Using social media shouldn't be a mystery for any insurance agent. However, if you're not EFFECTIVELY using LinkedIn as a prospecting tool to attract and win new clients, you're losing tens of thousands -- if not hundreds of thousands -- of commission dollars every single year. Literally, every year!

If you are an insurance agent and you're ready to finally access the power of LinkedIn once and for all -- you've come to the right place!

Purchase immediate access to the "12X Your Book with LinkedIn" digital course for just



Using LinkedIn to win new clients isn't easy, but it doesn't have to be as difficult as most agents make it out to be, either.

I've taken the time to put together everything you need to know and do ... from start to finish ... step-by-step ... in order to make LinkedIn your #1 most effective prospecting tool. If you do it right and follow my strategy, you may never even need to make another cold call in your life.

Simply follow the plan I outline in the course, trust the process, and sooner-rather-than-later your LinkedIn prospects will turn into loyal clients.

Personally, I earn a low-to-mid six figure income, directly from my prospecting efforts on LinkedIn. And, that's what I'm going to teach you how to do as well. It's not difficult to accomplish, but it does require a concrete understanding of what your insurance buyers both WANT and DESIRE.

The "12X Your Book with LinkedIn" digital course will give you the tools of how to build your LinkedIn profile, your content strategy, as well as how to present your Value Proposition in such a way that your prospect fires their incumbent agent and hires you instead.

That's the power of using LinkedIn effectively! 


Client Testimonial

  • Jesse Piliere<br>Vice President<br>USI Insurance Services
    Charles worked closely with me on every aspect of my profile, helping me determine the micro-niche focus, my tagline, my banner image, my bio, my experience, etc. But what I really appreciated most was the content strategy he taught me. I now have a clear picture on who to connect with on LinkedIn, how to connect by offering value first, and how to reach out by liking and commenting and my prospect's articles. I'm very happy with the LinkedIn training Charles gave me and I now have a strategy going forward that will help me turn my connections into premium-paying clients.
    Jesse Piliere
    Vice President
    USI Insurance Services

Who is the "12X Your Book with LinkedIn" course designed for?

Any insurance agent who sells or cross-sells Commercial, Personal, Employee Health Benefits, or Life insurance products

Course Content

This digital course consists of 21 videos and totals almost three and a half (3.5) full hours of high-quality training taught by Charles Specht. It also includes a complimentary PDF Guide providing step-by-step “how to” instructions, and article/content downloads for your usage (a few are included to begin with and others will be “Dripped” into the course over time).

  • INTRODUCTION: How to Grow Your Book of Business Using LinkedIn

    • VIDEO: How LinkedIn Can Work for You
    • PDF GUIDE: Use and refer to this regularly

  • MODULE 1: What You Need to Know About Using LinkedIn

    • How to Use a Business Social Media Platform
    • Profile vs. Content Strategy
    • Your LinkedIn Feed & Connections/Followers
    • Getting In Front of Your Prospect's Eyeballs
    • Going Viral on LinkedIn
    • DM's, Groups, Liking, and Commenting
    • Articles vs. Posts

  • MODULE 2: Determining How You "Intend" to Use LinkedIn

    • What will you use LinkedIn for?
    • Prospecting for new business, Merger & Acquisition opportunities, Recruiting staff, Networking and referral partners, Strengthening relationships with underwriters
    • More than an online resume
    • Purpose determines your Profile
    • Your content strategy

  • MODULE 3 – Top Banner Menu Navigation

    • Your "My Network"
    • Jobs
    • Messaging
    • Notifications
    • Getting LinkedIn to do email marketing for you

  • MODULE 4 – Creating the Perfect LinkedIn Profile

    • Billboard Image
    • Profile Photo
    • Writing Your Headline One-Liner
    • Your Private Dashboard
    • Writing Your "About" Section (Bio)
    • Your Featured Section
    • Activity
    • Experience (this should look like a resume)
    • Education
    • Licenses & Certifications
    • Skills & Endorsements
    • Recommendations (Received & Given)
    • Accomplishments
    • Interests

  • MODULE 5 – Your LinkedIn Content Strategy

    • What to post with consistency and what not to post (and why)
    • LinkedIn polls
    • How to not be "spammy"
    • Value Differentiation vs. "All about you"
    • Photos, video, and sharable content
    • Direct messages (what works and what doesn't)
    • What content to post in Groups

  • MODULE 6 – Miscellaneous Info to Take LinkedIn to the Next Level

    • Posting links (what to do and not do)
    • Hyperlinking your connections
    • SEO
    • Creator mode
    • Algorithm FAQ's
    • Other miscellaneous tips to help you dominate LinkedIn

  • MODULE 7 – Added Bonus (free content)

    • 30 days of FREE CONTENT you can use to post in your daily feed or use to write Articles

Begin Using LinkedIn Today to Prospect More Effectively, Win Loyal Clients, and Build Your $1,000,000 or More Book of Business

Purchase immediate access to the "12X Your Book with LinkedIn" digital course for just



Client Testimonials

  • Keith Ackrish<br>Agency Relationship Manager<br>Humana
    Charles Specht’s LinkedIn sales training service was extremely helpful and I would definitely recommend for those that are looking to be more effective in their prospecting and content strategies. He was able to teach me a more structured approach to utilizing LinkedIn to connect with the right people and share information that is valuable to them in their roles. Thanks for the help Charles.
    Keith Ackrish
    Agency Relationship Manager
  • Greg Merrill<br>President<br>Pan American, a Relation Company
    Our producer team did a recent 1.5 hour LinkedIn Prospecting video training with Charles. During and after the training, I received multiple notes from our producers regarding how helpful they thought the training was and how they intended to apply what they learned to enhance their prospecting efforts. We had over 70 producers on the call and I’m certain the results will materialize!
    Greg Merrill
    Pan American, a Relation Company

Who Teaches This Course?

INSTRUCTOR: Charles Specht

I started out in the insurance industry in the year 2000 as an insurance producer. I built my Book of Business to over a million dollars in annual revenue to my agency. I then opened my consulting company (Permission Sales) in 2009 where I now teach, train, and coach insurance agents around the world on how they can build their own $1,000,000 or more Book of Business through signed Broker of Record Letters.

My Credentials

  • CIC – (Certified Insurance Counselor, The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research)
  • CDA – (Certified Debt Arbitrator, International Association of Professional Debt Arbitrators)
  • Currently serve as Lead Insurance Consultant to the Steel Framing Industry Association
  • Served as the sole endorsed insurance broker for the American Subcontractor’s Association of California
  • Served as the insurance liaison to the Steel Framing Alliance
  • Served as the endorsed insurance broker for the Career Management Alliance
  • Keynote Speaker on Agency Growth, Broker of Record Letters, and building a Book of Business
  • Contract Risk Manager, to construction companies
  • Sales Coach (to several hundred agents since 2009)
  • Chief Sales Officer
  • Over 20,000 LinkedIn connections
  • LinkedIn Trainer (I have literally trained hundreds of producers around the country on how to use LinkedIn)
  • I personally earn a low/mid six-figure personal income directly from using LinkedIn as my #1 platform for prospecting new clients. (Note: This figure does not include income generated from teaching people how to use LinkedIn. It is purely from prospecting on LinkedIn for my consulting company.)


Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?

The course is available on-demand here on this website. Once you have purchased the course, you will receive an automated email from me containing all your login information. You'll have immediate access to the course material for 12 consecutive months following your purchase. The course is self-paced and you may take as long as you need to complete it, though most agents usually take 1-4 weeks to complete the course and implement the material on their LinkedIn account.

How long do I have access to the course?

You will have 24/7 access to the course for the 12 consecutive months following your purchase.

What if I am unhappy with the course?

Because you have immediate and unlimited access to 100% of the material upfront, I do not offer any money-back guarantees. Each purchaser is responsible for his/her own level of implementation. However, if you are unhappy with the course for any reason, send me an email ( and I will do everything I can to ensure your satisfaction with the material going forward.

What equipment/tools will I need to complete the course?

You will only need a computer (or smart phone), an email account, and a LinkedIn account. The entire course is available here on the website.

What do I do if I need help applying the course content to my sales career?

The digital course is a "learn at your own pace" course and does not automatically come with 1-on-1 sales coaching with Charles Specht. However, if within 7 days of purchasing the course you have completed all the modules and can prove you've done all of the lesson exercises, I would be happy to give you one complimentary sales strategy consultation over the telephone. Email me ( when you're ready.

How long is the course?

Plan to take 1 - 4 weeks to thoroughly complete the course videos, content, and implement the information on your LinkedIn account. There are a total of seven modules which may contain PDF's, brochures, and videos totaling over two hours of content.

What form of payment do you accept?

Payment is made on our secure credit card processing platform with Stripe. We accept all major credit cards. Payment is made electronically here on this website and you will be emailed a purchase receipt, as well as a second email with all of the details about how to immediately login and begin the course.



What are the CONSEQUENCES if you don't buy this "12X Your Book with LinkedIn" digital course?

Obviously, the choice is ultimately yours but if you choose not to purchase this course, to not take action, to not pull the trigger right now while you're here, to not TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR PROSPECTING FUTURE, then you'll...

  1. Achieve the same old mediocre results you got in the past year.
  2. Have no proven plan or strategy to get more clients via LinkedIn.
  3. Not write as much commission (or make as much money) as you're capable of.
  4. Continue with the "quoting game" for your prospects and not be taken seriously.
  5. Not know what your prospects truly want in exchange for their business.
  6. Waste countless hours spinning your wheels on tricks and gimmicks that don't result in new clients and more commission.
  7. Continue to be frustrated in your sales career ... each and every day ... because you chose to do nothing with LinkedIn ... once again.

But you're better than that!
The future belongs to those agents who TAKE CONTROL OF THEIR OWN FUTURE and invest in themselves!

All you need to do is purchase this course and I will give you all the tools and the step-by-step plan for ...

  • Gaining the PERMISSION of your prospects via LinkedIn.
  • Developing a strategic, dominating Micro-Niche in which your prospects will begin reaching out to you, rather than the other way around.
  • Building a $1,000,000 or more Book of Business.
  • Winning more signed Broker of Record Letters from your prospects.
  • Being seen by your prospects on social media as the "obvious choice" regarding who to do business with.
  • Experiencing joy and satisfaction in your insurance sales career.
  • Being seen by your peers as the "Expert LinkedIn Producer" and the one whom they'll pattern themselves after.

It's time to pull the trigger and begin!
Begin building a $1,000,000 or more Book of Business with LinkedIn!


Client Testimonial

  • Dan Gorman<br>Executive Vice President<br>Acrisure
    I would highly recommend the LinkedIn sales training services of Charles Specht. He is an expert regarding the steps to be taken in order to most effectively utilize your time and stay focused on winning new business in your desired business niche. I now have a more structured approach for utilizing LinkedIn to connect with qualified prospects and to begin turning them into satisfied clients. Thank you, Charles, for all your help!
    Dan Gorman
    Executive Vice President

It's Time to Take Action!

Purchase "12X Your Book with LinkedIn" for Just
