The 12X Commission Mastermind teaches both P&C and EB insurance agents how to quote less, win more often, and grow their Books of Business to $1,000,000 or more through signed Broker of Record Letters.

Join the 12X Commission Mastermind

(6-Month Membership)

Six (6) months of access in this group coaching program teaching you everything you need to know about how to build a $1,000,000 or more Book of Business through signed Broker of Record Letters. The foundational content is similar to the 1-on-1 coaching program(s) but this training goes much deeper into the content.

Live Zoom “workshops” currently twice per week. Live training workshops will last about 30-45 minutes each.

All Mastermind participants will be given exclusive access to the Broker of Record Letter Mastermind Group on LinkedIn. This closed LinkedIn group is where much of the teaching and training will take place outside of the Video calls, on a daily basis. Here is where Charles Specht (and other agents around the country) will answer all of your questions and give you specific details on how to convince your prospects to hire you, and how to use LinkedIn to prospect and win new clients!

Full access to the Mastermind Library, which contains an ongoing assortment of tools, training videos, and other resources designed to help you get your competition fired and you hired via BOR.

Topics covered in the weekly Mastermind trainings (and retained in the Mastermind Library) will be a foundation of materials taught by Charles Specht, and will also include other topics/issues/questions brought up by other group Mastermind participants from around the country. An example of additional topics discussed and offered will include (but are in no way limited to): How to use LinkedIn to Win New Clients, Referral Systems that Work, Utilizing Centers of Influence for Prospecting, How to Develop a 12-Month Timeline of Services, Cold Calling Scripts & Tactics, How to Use Email to Generate New Clients, etc.

AUTOMATIC BONUS: FULL AND IMMEDIATE ACCESS (while you're an active member in the Mastermind) to my digital courses, Millionaire Producer School and 12X Your Book with LinkedIn (valued at $294).

Are You An Action Taker?

The 12X Commission Mastermind is designed for insurance agents who are prepared to take "MASSIVE ACTION" by targeting the signed Broker of Record Letter in order to build a $1,000,000 or more Book of Business.

Does this describe you?

If your answer is "Yes" then keep reading because THIS GROUP MASTERMIND WILL HELP YOU achieve the goals and revenue results you're capable of achieving!

Join Now

Client Testimonials

return on investment

Clients of mine who've experienced the highest Return on Investment (R.O.I.) were initially experiencing one or more of the following:

  1. You're not making nearly the kind of money you're capable of, but you don't know how to get to that next level.

  2. You’re fairly new to insurance sales and need a roadmap to help you succeed more quickly.

  3. Your book of business has flat-lined or even been steadily decreasing over time.

  4. You’re struggling to get new clients and/or set quality appointments with new prospects.

  5. You’re able to quote on prospect's renewals but you're just not getting awarded the business enough.

  6. You need help with marketing and prospecting, maybe even get prospects to come to you rather than going to them.

  7. You’re not comfortable (“mindset” issues) with cold-calling or prospecting in general, and you need help with scripting, etc.

  8. You’re sort of busy with daily servicing responsibilities, but pretty much bored and just coasting along. (Insurance hasn’t been “fun” for you in a while.)

  9. You lack consistent motivation and need accountability, direction, guidance, and maybe even a swift kick in the pants from time to time. 


$1,000,000 Book of Business


When I first entered the insurance industry in 2000, I struggled and had no real idea what I was doing. I didn't have a strategic plan. It wasn't a terrible first year in sales, but it wasn't anything to write home about either.

Year #1 - "BEFORE" implementing a strategic system

  • $135,000 of new business commission that year

  • $4,500 of commission per client

At the end of that first year, I was fairly discouraged, disappointed, and had no idea how I was going to achieve my long-term goal, which was a $1,000,000 book of business.

So... I started to get serious about what kind of account I prospected, and what value I offered to the insured. Most importantly, however, I got laser-focused on creating "Peace of Mind" for my prospects and got very transparent with how the entire insurance process works.

The result for my second year in insurance sales?

Year #2 - "AFTER" implementing my strategic system

  • $375,000 of new business commission that year

  • $25,000 of commission per account

 I eventually built my book of business to just over $1,100,000 in total revenue before transitioning to become a risk management consultant and sales coach. I can help you become highly successful as well.

I will guide you through the process, teach you what I learned, what I did to become highly successful at insurance sales, and help you build your book of business to $1,000,000 or more as well. 


I Will Teach You

If you're currently struggling, here is what I will teach you

what you can expect

  1. I will teach you how to maximize your productivity and STOP OFFERING QUOTES to business owners who aren’t your real prospects.
  2. I will teach you how to collect significantly more signed BROKER OF RECORD LETTERS from prospective clients.
  3. I will teach you how to choose, develop, market, and brand yourself as an expert in the best MICRO NICHE INDUSTRY that will guarantee your success.
  4. I will teach you how to strategize and start writing LARGER (12x) REVENUE GENERATING ACCOUNTS.
  5. I will teach you how to structure, highlight, and sell the BENEFITS (rather than the features) of doing business with you and your agency.
  6. I will teach you a better way of prospecting and lead generation, how to make cold-calling easier, how to get considerably more qualified appointments, and WHAT TO ACTUALLY DO, SAY, PROMISE, AND OFFER to your prospects during your in-person appointments so that you can accomplish #2 (above) more consistently.
  7. I will hold you accountable, motivate and inspire you, provide easy-to-follow “systems” that work, and assist you in doing whatever needs to be done so that you can build a $1,000,000 book of business for yourself.

The Million-Dollar Mastermind Curriculum

My highly-systematized process for building a $1,000,000 book of business
  • Thinking 12X-BIGGER - (Revenues & Mindset)

    There is a significant shift in mindset needed in order to prospect accounts that are 12x bigger than what you're used to. But that's what I'll teach you how to do!

  • Gaining the Prospect's Exclusive PERMISSION

    Becoming the Broker of Record is always the goal. ALWAYS THE GOAL! Quoting is never the goal. Quoting insurance policy renewals is for the weak!

  • Developing Your MICRO-Niche

    The riches are in the MICRO-niches. Construction, manufacturing, agriculture, hospitality ... these are industries, not niches. To MICRO-niche you must go deeper! I will teach you exactly how to do this.

  • Getting the Incumbent Agent FIRED and You HIRED

    Currently, another agent is seated in your chair. He/She has the leverage, and you don't. There is a lot of education, transparency, and trust needed to get the incumbent fired, once and for all. I will give you the answers to these problems.

  • Prospecting Do's and Don't Ever's

    The times have changed and so has what works in today's marketing economy. I will teach you the "How To" when it comes to effective email marketing, social media connections, cold-calling tips, tactics, techniques, scripts, as well as both what to say and what not to say to your prospects.

  • Stop Offering Quotes

    Talk about a waste of time! I will teach and show you both the WHY and HOW you should do this. It's more than merely "stopping" to do something. I will teach you how to get the insured to do business with you for refusing to quote their renewals.

  • The Steps to Collecting More Signed Broker of Record Letters

    I will teach you the WHY and the HOW of getting your prospects to assign you as their agent. I will also teach you why 25%, 60%, and 15% are very important percentages to either your success or failure in insurance sales.

  • Creating Your Timeline of Services

    I will help you create a timeline of Services & Products to offer your MICRO-niche prospect's in exchange for their business. These need to be Strategic, Objective, and Written (S.O.W.), so that the prospect trusts your capabilities.

  • Fee-Based Products & Can't-Live-Without Services

    Your prospects need your "Golden Handcuffs" and the perfect solutions to the main problems in THEIR industry. I will help you create these for your prospects so that they will soon become your clients.

  • Million-Dollar Mentorship

    Without constant accountability, you will likely fail. You need someone to guide you, walk with you, answer your questions, and give you wise counsel. I will teach you how to keep the momentum going for your new business prospecting.

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(6-Month Membership)